our crazy little world. read on if you dare. i promise you'll giggle.

We Three

We Three

Monday, June 18, 2012

Picture Perfect.

I take a LOT of pictures. Not exactly a secret right?  Some I like, some not so much.

<----Some, I simply adore. Adore. This is one of those that I adore. 

We were out with friends, taking candid shots just for fun. And Bill got ^ that one of us. And silly as it is, I think it may be my most favorite picture ever of us. I think I shall frame it. I daresay it will make it onto the yearly Holiday Card. 

<--- now THIS picture. Oh-Mah-Gawd. 

That is a fake wolf. Or coyote.  (sorry readers, I am really not up to date on violent creatures of the wild..). Whatever it is, it has been placed on the shore of the lake on our office campus. 

I swear on my running shoes that this picture is not photo-shopped!  A coworker had posted it last night, and I did think it was a hoax. And I walked outside this morning, and seriously people. I damn near squealed. 

Even though I know it isn't real, it is creepy, I mean CREEPY.  Apparently it is meant to scare away the Canadian Geese who tend to set up camp here. I think the Geese keep eating the baby ducks that have hatched. I can't make this up.  

OK- so that being said... and I'm no expert on the intelligence level of Canadian Geese.. but at some point, won't they figure out that this Coyote Wolf Thing never moves? That he constantly stays crouched like that? That they don't smell him? At some point won't they just honk in amusement and poop on his head? 

And then one has to wonder, where in the world does one find such a yard decoration? I mean, are these found in your local Home Depot?

<-- Of course, then I remembered that not too long ago - I posted THIS lovely (it is maddening that even when I rotate a photo it shows up sideways here..). It was an insert in the Sunday Paper. So if somewhere in this world, glowing meerkats are being produced, well then of course scary as sh*t fake coyote/wolf things are being produced.  

And now dear readers, carry on with your day. 

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