Wow. I can't believe it's been two weeks since the last blog! I guess we've had a lot going on.
First things first. We found the camera. Or, should I say, Eileen finally fessed up! While *helping* her clean her room over this past weekend, I was digging through her toybox.
E: Mommy, what are you doing?
Me:Just checking again to make sure the camera didn't somehow end up in your toybox.
Cue Eileen disappearing. Cue Eileen reappearing... looking not quite right. E:Mommy, I think you should look in here, near the yellow blanket.
This is the part where she stands next to her armoire and points at the door. I open it. And see the yellow blanket. I root around in it. And POOF! there's the camera! rolled up in the blanket. It didn't just end up there, it was hidden there. Eileen claims she just wanted to play with it. We shan't (yes, I said "shan't" - deal with it) go into the battle in my head at this point in time; I was so happy to have the yet-to-be-unloaded pictures back I didn't even bother to discipline her.
Admittedly, I did consider re-hiding it.. because now that it is found I no longer have an excuse for running out to buy my new camera!
So, in the weeks since I have blogged... there have been loads of Eileen-isms. There's no way I can remember all of them, but I do actually keep a running list - if and when I manage to remember to write them down. Ahhh. Aging. Fun times.
Over Father's Day weekend, my cousins Bill & Kim came to visit. They live in NH, and come down on their Harley's (OK, well, Kim's is a Honda,.. but it's still ridiculously cool). It had been a couple years since they'd been here, and Eileen was excited to see them, even though I knew she didn't really remember them from last time they visited. I was also a bit nervous that she'd FLIP out at the sound of the bikes, as they are gloriously noisy.
I could not have been more wrong. She was over the moon when they pulled in. Running to the door with "MOMMY THEY ARE HERE!" She actually cried crocodile tears when she didn't get to ride with Uncle Bill (ok- he and I are cousins, but to keep it simple she thinks he's her Uncle). The thing is, I TOTALLY would have let her ride, but I would have also had to ride. And well. We all know Erin's luck with anything motorized, or that involves, well, any sort of movement. So I was terrified to get on the bike- nothing to do with trusting Uncle Bill - seeing as he's got years and years and years of experience .... I just know better than to curse others with my luck. Or lack of...
Anyway. The video you see here is one that was on the Lost Camera. Eileen and Gracie (pre-Summer Cut) playing in the back yard. We'll now move on to the Eileen-isms, since I know that's what you really came to see..
Everyone knows I'm cute! Hmm. Perhaps we have crossed the line from making sure our daughter has a sense of self and a good deal of self-confidence to oh crap this little turd is totally high on herself. Yeah. As she and I left Josh's office the other day, out of nowhere, she just announced her level of cuteness and everyone's apparent awareness of it.
Wow,that's a lot of PEE ya got there. No, you can't have my charming little girl. She was at work with me one day last week. On our way to venture through the halls of ScrippsLand, we stopped to use the Ladies Room. She had no reason to make use of the facilities, and chose to stand outside the door of my stall. Making sure I could see her toes, as that is our rule in public bathrooms when she refuses to come in the stall with me, as she is terrified of auto-flushing toilets (yet a bearded man covered in tattoos in a helmet and dark glasses on a heart-thumpingly loud Harley doesn't phase her in the least...) So apparently the time I spent in my stall was too much for her to bear, and hence, the statement you see underlined here.
My Room is MUCH bigger than his! Cue the all at once horror/shock/embarrasment/omg how do I handle THIS one phase of mommy-hood. Ryan lives next door. He's about 8 weeks younger than Eileen. So the two of them play a lot together. Eileen's room is actually our bonus room, and therefore, quite spacious. Ryan has a 'normal' room. So she'd gone to his house, and came home, and told Bill and I that her room is so much bigger. I froze. Me: Eileen! you didn't SAY that to him, did you? E: Well YEAH. Me: oh. hmm. welllll honnnneyyy.... its not polite to say something like that. It doesn't matter who's room is bigger or who has more toys or... E: well. my room IS bigger. Hmm. well, we'll have to work on this one. I guess age 4 almost 5 is tough to start teaching etiquette with any other reasoning besides "Because I said So."
Do I have a BALL on my head??? This weekend at the pool, after she'd had a small meltdown, she was sitting with me on my chair. And while I was cheering her up, I'd pulled her ever-growing bangs (so close to being all the way grown out) up into a "Pebbles." She could see her shadow, including the poof of hair on top, and had no idea what had happened to her head. Oh how I giggled.
BOO-YA! Yes, this would be the phrase of athletes and frat boys everywhere. And yet my almost five year old princess-y tom-boy knows, and perfectly annunciates, the phrase. Friday night, we let her stay up late. Partly because she was playing outside with Ryan (= wearing her OUT so she'll sleep sooo soo well) and partly because she wanted to catch lightning bugs just as much as Mommy and Bill. So while we waited for darkness to descend on East TN (which, for those of you who aren't familiar, does NOT arrive until 9:20pm in the dead of summer - and I am so very serious about that), she and Ryan rode their bikes in circles, and circles, and circles. And every time she completed a circle, she'd yell "BOO YA!" I was cracking up.
WHY is Beezus singing?!? This would be where the worlds of fantasy TV/Movie Characters collide with actual Human Beings. Eileen LOVES the movie Ramona and Beezus, which stars Disney Made Star (singer/actress) Selena Gomez (and is a legitmately super cute movie). Well, it seems Miss Gomez has a new movie coming out. So this morning Eileen saw the trailer while watching cartoons, and was just perplexed to see Beezus singing.
Can I sleep INSIDE the sand?? Well, it's been a couple of years since we've been able to get Little Miss to the beach. So she's very excited about upcoming trips to Nana's house and to St. Simon's. On the way to school this morning we were discussing the beach, and she squealed her desire to sleep inside the sand. Hmm. well. that would be interesting, eh?
I think that covers the highlights. Try as I might, I imagine there's something I missed. I honestly wish we just had surveillance cameras planted around the house. The other night, while I was drying her hair, she picked up a spare hair brush and was just going to town putting on a show to herself in the mirror. Singing. Chatting. All sorts of intonations. I could hardly stand up straight from the laughter taking over my body.
Hopefully the next entry on my part won't be so long in coming. And hey... maybe I'll have that new camera by then. A girl can hope. :)
One last video for your entertainment...
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