our crazy little world. read on if you dare. i promise you'll giggle.

We Three

We Three

Monday, August 22, 2011


 I know I just posted last night. And actually at the moment I'm at work, so this will be brief. But. seeing as how I have Monday Morning tales, I just had to share. As we all know, these things only happen to me.

So I had PT at 8 this morning (i'm pretty sure you all know i'm a runner, and every now and then i get nagging injuries - not generally a major concern, but generally enough that it sidelines me several weeks and requires some professional medical attention). I purposely schedule the appointments early, with the intent of getting to work as close to the start of the day as I can.

However.  I seem to have some sort of mental block of ever being on time for anything. It doesn't matter HOW early I get up for something, I always run late.  Which was, of course, the case this morning.  We didn't have Eileen, so one would think I really wouldn't have a reason for being late. I left the house at 7:58 for my 8am appt.  Luckily, 98% of my entire life exists in a 4mile radius of my home; I was at the therapist by 8:06.  Not awful.

I get in, get on the table and the heat blanket on my bad spot. I check phone. and find a text from Bill.  Seems his truck keys were in my car... meaning, yep. He was stuck at home. Oh joyous Monday. So he has an hour to kill while I get poked and prodded.

So I think, ok well I guess it works out. I can change into work clothes at home (instead of at work) and also get more coffee. The mere two cups I'd had so far were nothing compared to the usual 4 or 5 I'd usually have had by 8:30.  (shush yo mouth. YOU get up on a regular basis at 4:50 to get to the gym and work out for 1+ hours before work, and then you let me know how much coffee YOU had ...).  I let my boss know I'd be later than I thought in order to get back home and get keys to Bill.  Luckily she's a) nice and b) we all have blackberries, so really, we never are NOT at work.

So I get home, toss keys to Bill and grab clothes from the back seat.  And lo and behold. There were two different flip flops in there! HAD I come to work to get dressed, yep, I'd have been sporting different colored shoes.

So yes folks, it is Monday. 
I have been at work for a little over an hour, and so far I have had no more mishaps. Lets hope that trend continues!

Happy Adventures all.

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