our crazy little world. read on if you dare. i promise you'll giggle.

We Three

We Three

Sunday, September 4, 2011

a big week for mini me...

It's weeks like this that it occurs to me that I am indeed the mommy of a kid. She's not a baby, she's not a toddler. She's a full on kid.

We went to the dentist earlier this week. The sunglasses were courtesy of the hygenist, to keep the bright light out of her eyes.  I'm pretty sure we never got those when we were kids. But the kid did great. She had all sorts of xrays, teeth polishing, and flouride. She just rolled with it. YAY.

She started her new class at the start of the week.  She's still at her preschool, but she's now in the oldest class - and  she is one of the three oldest in the class. We walked in this morning and were practically run OVER by L&P.  I love those kids.  So I am all excited to see them, and I look at L, and he's in a cast!
Me: OMG L! What happened?! 
L: Um, I fwell off the monkey bahhs.
Me: OMG! where were you?
L: At Gwandma's.

He's one of the cutest kids ever. And he's just running around like a mad man with that cast - not phased in the least. I'm certain I could not handle two kids, and even more certain I couldn't handle a boy!

L&P then dragged Eileen off to show her the class hamster (sidebar: do the parents have to sign up for weekends to feed this thing? we have a dog and a turtle. we don't need a small rodent too...). She barely gave me a hug bye, just ran off to play.  Which is that feeling that is so good bc you know your kid is at ease and happy, but also a bit of "HEY! aren't you going to miss your mommy?!"

She's been saying for weeks she wants to take gymnastics. I keep trying to convince her to to play soccer... but to no avail.  She wants gymnastics with Hannah and Ashlyn.  So be it. She has now officially signed  up. She's taken gymnastics at school before, but this will be her first official "after school activity."  Admittedly, it will be fun to watch. And when other parents are stuck watching soccer in the cold and rain, at least I can take solace being indoors. Right?

Her fifth birthday is approaching at the speed of light. So party plans have begun (ok, i got the venue booked - thats a start).  The theme has been chosen. Now just to narrow down the guest list and get the invites out and menus planned. I'm just really glad I get to have three other parents helping me plan this, bc it's a lot of work.   And since this is a 'big' one.. we have ears to pierce, bunk beds to be ordered, a room to paint, grandparents to visit, and of course the bday party with friends. Mommy  can't wait!

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