I've always got ideas running around in my head. They may or may not pop up at 2am. At which point I am NOT generally near the laptop.
During the day at work, I do tend to be glued to my chair staring at the monitor. But I'm working, which doesn't generally lend itself to writing my personal blog.
And as you most likely know, upon leaving the office, I either morph into Mom Mode and spend the next three hours cramming in quality time with Eileen, Bill and Gracie. Laundry, dinner, bath time, bed time, and so on. And if I don't morph into Mom Mode, then I morph into Social Butterfly.. Bill and I heading to $2Pint Night, or me tracking down the Ladies for GNO.
The point being - by the time I either sit down on Mom nights or get home on Big Girl nights, I am too dang tired to drag out the laptop and make coherent sentences. Thus. My blog sits alone and dejected. Too bad I'm not more melodramatic, huh?
<---- Is that a photo of my child and the garbage can? (some of you may well remember the purchase of that garbage can. oh yes, there was a blog about it...)
I imagine you are wondering
a) why we even took a photo of kid + garbage
b) why we then POSTED said photo....
Or ya know. Maybe you're not wondering those things. But I'm telling you anyway. That was the very.last.time Eileen had to take the nasty icky medicine. The kid has been taking it every single day since she was about two years old. it was to prevent bladder infections, as it had been determined she had urine reflux. after three years and she still hadn't outgrown it, and after her March procedure - we finally found out in May that it was successful- and thus - no more medicine! She was elated. And therefore, we made a production of throwing away the bottle (after she'd taken her last dose). THAT is why we have Eileen with a garbage can.
So another issue with long breaks between posts?
Not a clue what I told you guys last time.
Seems like a fairly simple problem to solve right? I should just go LOOK at what I wrote. hellloo?? did you miss the part about being tight on time? do i seriously have time to go look at that last post and risk precious seconds here where I could be writing genius material?
I finally downloaded my first 'digital' book. I don't have a kindle. or nook. I have my iPad with the Kindle App. I have been itching to read The Bloggess Book - that woman is hilarious - but I didn't want to pay for the Hard Cover. The digital one was half the price, so it has been downloaded. First I just have to finish my Witch Book. Patience has never been my strength.
And actually that Witch Book is ok. Not horrible. Not great. But I'm too freakin anal to not finish a book. That bugs me. (sidebar: i did not finish twilight number two. i just couldn't get into it. which makes little sense since this Witch Book is indeed about Vampires).
OMG I am totally rambling. I mean really.
See? Yet ANOTHER bad thing about long times between posts. Now I want to sit here and cram it all in to one post. And then risk losing all you awesome people who live to laugh along with me AT me.
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