our crazy little world. read on if you dare. i promise you'll giggle.

We Three

We Three

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Backyard Shenanigans

I got so caught up last time in actually getting a post written, I forgot to tell you to notice my new template.

OK, not MY new template. I mean, I am not that good people. I just picked a new one from our good friends here at blogger.

Fun huh? I figure now and then I should switch it up to see who's paying attention. 

You probably noticed Edie in loads of these photos. 
Yep. How can she NOT be in photos? She's so dang cute. 

Josh and Sarah got moved in a couple of weeks ago. Our houses are now a total of :60 apart. And they have a pool. See? That's me and Eileen at the pool.  Being close is a total perk. Last week it rained. Her raincoat was at Josh and Sarah's. Two minutes later, it was at our house on the way to camp with Eileen. Need a white tee to make a lab coat during CSI week at Camp? No problem. One of mommy's will work and Bill can run it over to the house.  And getting to see Eileen more is great for all four parents, not to mention Eileen getting to see Edie all the time. 

And yeah. duh. The Pool. 

Oh, and there are cows! Their yard backs up on to a farm. And it has two cows. A white one and a brownish black one. I have only see the white one. And it is HUGE.  

Of course, this is the girl who once asked how you tell a cow from a bull (to my credit, I had literally moved back from NYC two weeks before- I hadn't seen a real cow- or THOUGHT about a real cow- in well over six years!) - so to me ALL cows are massive. 

But even Bill agrees that this White Cow is huge. 

SEE?? I mean it's massive. And it expects a treat when it comes to the fence. Josh and Sarah also have a pear tree in their yard. So apparently everyone who's lived in this house has taken pears off the tree and given it to the cow.  So last week Eileen and I went to the fence to feed the cow.

Have you ever fed a cow? 
I sure have not. And I don't plan to do it ever again. 

I walk up to the cow - in my BATHING SUIT - with an audience of Sarah's parents, Bill, maybe Josh. I can't remember who was in the back yard with us. As I reach my hand - with pear - over the fence - everyone hollers for me to keep my palm open. 

OK. duh. I did at least know that. I HAVE fed other animals. Mainly turtles and dogs. But I still know better than to offer digits to an animal. Especially when it's head is as big as my torso. What they did not tell me was that this cow's TONGUE was as long as ME and that it would come all the way out of its mouth and that it would wrap around my entire forearm to get the nasty pear and that this tongue was all rough and scratchy like a cat's.  On a cat, it's cute. On a cow. it is NOT. 

I will not even discuss the SMELL. OMG I smelled like a zoo. And you all know I can't stand the zoo either. I only go for Eileen's sake.  It is only because Eileen was standing there that I didn't scream bloody murder, spin my head around 180degrees, and haul ASS back to my safe lounge chair and cocktail. Instead I calmly squealed just quiet enough to not break glass, and walked somewhat steadily far away from that beast. 

OK, she is super cute to look at. But I shall never get so close again. ICK.

(you can raise a girl in the south. she can live in the mountains. she can marry an amazing farm boy. but she will always be a city girl.)

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