our crazy little world. read on if you dare. i promise you'll giggle.

We Three

We Three

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

what is wrong with people?

Regardless of your thoughts on gun control. Regardless your thoughts on background checks. Regardless your thoughts on potential ties between mental illness and access to weapons (guns or otherwise).

To think, imply, believe, support a theory that the Sandy Hook Tragedy was a conspiracy? REALLY?  

I don't know enough about it - what this conspiracy supposedly is. Is the government supposed to have done it? Gun Control Supporters? People with purple hair and green eyes? 

I do know it is sickening. The idea of Sandy Hook having been some group's plan for pushing Gun Control. 

I am not totally naive. I have no doubt our government - and any other government anywhere - does things most of us would rather not know. I have no doubt there are facts and truths so horrifying that we'd never again sleep. 

But. 20 children? 20 innocent precious babies? I daresay this isn't some radical Big Brother secret. 

It was one very sick young man who didn't get, or wasn't able to get, the right care. It was a very frightening day when this ill man broke in a way that is incomprehensible to most of us. It was a day that words will never do justice, in which innocence was shattered, families destroyed, and we were all reminded just how fragile life is. 

What it should BECOME is a close look at ways in which to put ourselves back together. To recognize that mental illness is just the same as physical. It should not be ignored, just as cancer should not be ignored. It should be treated with therapy and medicine in the same way cancer patients receieve medicine and can join support groups. 

Guns are not going anywhere. The guns themselves are not evil. They can provide defense, they can provide food, they can provide sport.

This shouldn't be Republican or Democrat. Radical or Conservative.  

It SHOULD be an opportunity to educate. To stop pointing fingers.

We're all entitled to an opinion. Well. This post is mine. Blame gets us nowhere. Acceptance and education takes us miles and miles. 

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