<-- It didn't bother me last year when Eileen went to 'the big kid school' for incoming Kindergarten Assesment. It was fun and fascinating and she was so excited.
This was right at one year ago today.
<-- it didn't bother me when Eileen graduated from MStar. She'd been there almost six years, had an amazing time there. Made lots of friends - many of whom we are still in touch.
<-- it didn't bother me on Eileen's first day of Kindergarten. She was so proud and confident. It was a new adventure.
<-- But now, now, I am bothered. Syd spent the night last week. These two have been tight since they were roughly 18 mos old. Lots of playdates and spend the nights. They've always played like sisters - including the arguing and bossiness and fits and crying and tattling. Last week, they played like 'big kids.' They didn't argue. They didn't tattle. They laughed and giggled and compromised. They behaved and used manners and minded.
And that. THAT bothered me. Weird right? All of a sudden, they seemed so old. So grown up. Having seen the two of them act so differently than in the past really put it in perspective, or shocked me, or whatever it was. Thrilled to see Eileen with such good friends already, but also bittersweet at the realization of how much they're changing and so quickly.
Today I went to school to read to the kids. I love it. I adore seeing those kids and watching them play. They all come up and want to talk to the parents. They're eager and sweet and proud and want to share.
Today was also incoming Kindergartener assessment day for the new batch of Kindergartners starting in Fall 2013. It stopped me in my tracks.
How? How has it been a year? I thought back to last February when we brought Eileen for her testing. We were the new kids, didn't know a lot of people or kids or teachers or parents. Scary but fun. I thought back to those first weeks of school, we didn't know how the dismissal car line worked and what was allowed and not for uniforms. We knew about two sets of parents and everyone felt awkward and shy.
And I thought about today. Just six months since that first day of school. Eileen knows all the kids in her class and in 1st grade, knows a lot of second graders and third graders and a ton of eighth graders. She marches into school and knows her way around. Heck, I march into school and know my way around! I know some of the teachers and administrators, I have gotten to know a good deal of parents (well, Moms anyway) and with each week I feel like I know more of them.
Today while I sat there reading to the kids, a mom and dad and shy little girl stood at the door with one of the school administrators. Asking questions and looking around. That struck me. Eileen only has about 12 weeks left of this school year. TWELVE WEEKS left of Kindergarten.
And then she will be in first grade. How is this possible?
This, people. This may be the first time in her six and a half years that I feel a bit misty-eyed at the thought of how time is flying. How fast I know the next eight years at our school will fly by. and I don't even want to CONSIDER what happens after that.
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