our crazy little world. read on if you dare. i promise you'll giggle.

We Three

We Three

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

People Rock.

There are days when I seriously wonder what goes on in someone's brain. 

<-- This is an almost every day sighting in the garage at work. Massive trucks parked directly across from one another at an angle at the top of a turn. 

We have three areas for 'oversize' parking - but these two are constantly in these spots. You KNOW one of them gets here first, the other arrives, doesn't see an issue with parking directly across. No idea who they are. *If you are reading this and you are one of them, well, then please take heed & park elsewhere. It is nothing short of a gymnastics move to get one's car between these vehicles without damaging one of the three  - and I drive a smaller car!!!

<-- This is just a random picture of our dog. It has nothing to do with how much people rock. This is what she looked like after I let her out this morning - apparently the grass was really wet. 

So, back to people. Yesterday I drove to work, noticed the man behind me was driving with no front windshield. None at all. I don't understand. How is this OK? It wasn't a Jeep. Or a motorcycle. or a golf cart. It was a Ford Escape or Explorer or something. Dude was just tootling along.  Is this person a dad? Is he responsible for other humans?!

<-- Also nothing to do with the main topic of this post. Just a HILARIOUS picture of my sister, probably about 3years old. She got busted guzzling my mom's wine - at which point my mom stopped to take a photo (heeheehee). 

So- speaking of Mom's.  Lets discuss the Million Moms and some Random Mom in Michigan.  Million Mom's are highly upset with KMart bc of their HILARIOUS "Ship My Pants" ad.  Their campaign against the ad started roughly 36-48 hours after the Boston Bombing. Really?? Have they no bigger concerns? Never mind that the ad is hilarious and who doesn't need a good laugh? And if your kid is old enough to watch tv then guess what? they've probably heard that word that rhymes with Ship.   

<-- Also nothing to do with this post (are you sensing a theme here?)

And the Michigan Mom. She's upset with her daughter's 7th grade teacher bc they're reading the Diary of Anne Frank. Apparently this mom is concerned at the level of 'porn' in this book. Wait. What? Admittedly, it's been YEARS since I read the book. I have no recollection of any porn. Upon reading the article further, apparently Miss Frank writes of some self-exploration. K, lets review. She was 13, hiding in an attic with her family in an attempt to not die. Her only "crime" was her faith. The story is humbling, gut wrenching, eye opening. The 13year old girl did not intend for her DIARY to become a book read by millions. This 13year old girl was trying her damnedest to just be a 13year old girl.  That's hard enough for ANY girl (or boy) - never mind one hidden away in an attic scared for her life. The mother's argument is that SHE should be the one to discuss the personal exploration matter with her child. Lady, if your daughter is in junior high and you've not yet had these discussions - you're in a bubble.  

I wonder, have any of these mom's watched Disney lately? Because, even tho it is 'safe' programming.. well, lets see - there's dancing and makeup and kissing and singing and short skirts... so I'm pretty sure the funny commercial is no threat. And I'm pretty sure the reading of Anne Frank is meant to teach us a lesson about the horrors of war- many of which continue today in places like Afghanistan.  Perhaps these moms (or dads for that matter - I'm not "mom" bashing - I'm just 'people bashing'...) should consider themselves LUCKY that they have no bigger issues about which to complain. 

I fully respect the right to one's opinion, and the right to express it. What I do not have a lot of patience for is those opinions being so severe or off-kilter that they make our heads spin. Or make us wonder what in the world is honestly going on in their brains.

<--  K, this picture DOES have to do with this post. That people DO rock - in this case - in a good way. With roughly 36 hours notice, one of our local running stores organized a Run for Boston event.  It was a casual fun 2 or 4 mile run/walk on one of our greenways. Free registration, with t-shirt dollars going to The One Fund.  This is a picture of me and Sarah and Sandi, we all work together. And we had eight other coworkers out there running. And since we had 10+ employees, our company also donated money to the One Fund.  So this is an example of how people CAN rock.  The need and want to do something, anything, to help fellow people who are suffering.  As frustrated as I tend to get with Humanity, this is a picture I can look at and remember Humanity can be good too.

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