our crazy little world. read on if you dare. i promise you'll giggle.

We Three

We Three

Thursday, December 19, 2013

An Inventory...

My team is moving to the second floor of our building in the New Year. So today I'm packing my desk at the office. It is nothing short of an adventure. 

I've packed the 'regular' items.. framed pictures, books, files, random art from Eileen. 

I've now moved into the random stuff one has at work drawers... and I am compelled to share those contents with you. 

 Thus Far:

  • three mini deodorants
  • three compacts, one bronzer and one empty
  • one flatiron, one comb, one brush, two hairsprays (one travel, one big)
  • one set makeup brushes
  • one clear nailpolish, three nail files
  • three toothbrushes, four toothpastes, three Scopes, two flosses
  • ten lotions - a variety of scented, calming, hand, face
  • three giant hand sanitizer bottles, too many mini ones to count
  • matchbooks from my first wedding
  • one bottle of unopened beer that a friend from NYC/FN brought me after her trip to Maine
  • two bottles of saline and several eye drops
  • one wine bottle stopper from Dottie's house
  • honey bears, green tea, regular tea
  • oatmeal, peanut butter, soups and soup crock
  • one butcher knife (coated in honey that spilled in drawer)
  • one mug, one bowl, one soup crock, two plastic cups, straws
  • vitamin c, vitamin d, excedrin, multivatimins, one five hour energy
  • one glittery pumpkin
  • several hot sauce packets from taco bell
  • multiple purse packs of kleenex
  • one illegal space heater
  • one box from my LAST move that I never unpacked
So there you have it. I dare you to pack up your workspace and see what you find!

Happy Thursday!

Monday, December 16, 2013

18 weeks.. here we go again.

If it is possible to grieve (using that term loosely) for a race, I think I am in such a state. I'm going to assume anyone reading my blog also follows me on FB, so therefore I assume you all know the St. Jude Marathon was cancelled a couple of weeks ago due to an Ice Storm. 

And let me tell you, it sucked.  Yes, I have perspective. Certainly I'm aware there are much worse things in the world. But it STILL SUCKED.  I get it - the city was in a state of emergency, people didn't have power, there was ice everywhere, the windchill was 5degrees, emergency & medical personnel were needed to assist those suffering, not for those of us choosing to run 26.2 miles. Choosing to cancel the race was the right decision. but it sucked

It's so much more than just the actual race.  General training is roughly 18 weeks.  That's 18 Saturdays (or Sundays) that you give up to run for several hours. That's 18 Saturdays (or Sundays) that your family also gives up - whether it be spending time together, yard work, sleeping in - anything like that.  It also is 18 Friday nights that are pretty low key. 

There's the 18 weeks of mental training - and trust me when I tell you- the mental training is far more challenging than the physical.  On the mornings before a long run, I am on edge and jittery and not much in the mood for other humans. That's called nerves.  Nerves about the weather, the miles that lie ahead, will it be a good run or a bad one, will I finish in time to get home for whatever commitment we have, did I pack enough gu and gatorade, are there bathrooms in the right places along my route... and then about 2/3 through a long run, the argument with oneself starts: OMG WHY AM I DOING THIS? I am so slow. I will never  make it through this run. I need to drop out of the race. And then: Get your crap together. You are a healthy person and you should stop complaining because it is a privilege to run.  Quit whining, you are running for ST JUDE - Kids who are sick with cancer and not able to go out and play. So put one foot in front of the other and move it.

Yes, these conversations do indeed take place inside my head.  Heck sometimes I'm probably so delirious that parts of those conversations are held OUT LOUD. yep. There's the crazy girl who talks to herself when she runs. 

We won't even discuss the 18weeks of attempting not to fall (and so as not to disappoint, I did indeed fall - about 11 weeks into training....)

So, I was on the verge of running my fifth full  marathon.  I was on the verge of getting a new tattoo to celebrate that fifth. I raised almost $1000 for the kids at St Jude.  Mother Nature herself robbed me of those bragging rights. (Well, the money raised DOES still go to the hospital - so that clearly is a big fat plus). 

But I won't give up. As a result of the cancelled race, runners can opt in to several other marathons with a guaranteed spot.  SO- i'll be running the Nashville full on April 26.  And, God Willing, I'll do the St. Jude marathon NEXT December.  
As a result of the cancelled race, I won't have run five full marathons by the end of 2013.  BUT, again- God Willing -  I will have run SIX of them by the end of 2014, which will be just weeks from me turning the big four-oh. I'm ok with that. 

As a result of the cancelled race, I'm getting two second chances.  I trained these past 18 weeks, but could have trained harder, could have added in more cross-training, could have put much more effort into losing lbs (which is as much for vanity as it is for making the run an easier task).  

So, while I am still bummed that we didn't get to run, I am excited to take on the 2014 challenge of two full marathons plus the Knox Half.  And I am ever grateful to have a supportive husband who lets me be all nerves and then completely exhausted every weekend.  

Here's to the last few weeks of 2013, and here's to taking on one heck of a challenge in 2014. 

now, all of you go do your Mother Nature dance for me.