our crazy little world. read on if you dare. i promise you'll giggle.

We Three

We Three

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Is it Summer Yet?

Christmas - Check. 
New Years Day - Check. 
Staying up late, sleeping in, existing in gym clothes (currently, trendily called Casual Athletic Wear) - Check. 

So now I'm ready to be done with the cold and dreary weather and move into poolside mode.  Who can help me out with that? 

I just finished going through 400+ photos from the past few weeks. Some of them, tho only two weeks ago, seem as if they were months ago. HOW does that happen? And there are some hilarious ones. I see a blog post in the near future with just photos and giggly captions.  Yes? 

I had a salad this afternoon. I'm waiting to see if I need to go to the ER, worried about the shock of clean foods to my system... 

Bill and I just got back from three days in the mountains with friends. Three days of football, eating, drinking, wii bowling, and more football. I can't imagine a more fun way to wrap up the Christmas Break. Three days with no responsibilities other than making sure you had filled out your squares on the football boards (and for the record, I won a total of four quarters over four games.. not too shabby!).  

The weekend in the cabin came just after having spent Christmas Eve with another set of great friends. Games and kids and chaos and an amazing dinner.  Gifts and laughs and cookies and general good times. I can't have imagined a more perfect way to spend the best night of the year. 

Shortly after Christmas one of my best friends called - really actually called! - to tell me they're expecting.  That's a pretty fantastic gift too.  For them of course. But for me too, as it warmed my heart to know they made a point to call me to tell me. In today's world of texting and social media, that call just struck me as a pretty big deal. 

And of course, as always, there is constant contact with my Wolfpack (a term I'm stealing from one of said Wolfpack). Some of my closest friends on the planet. Those ladies (I use that term loosely!) I've known since childhood.  Without those girls I'm pretty sure I'd be a lost loon wandering around aimlessly. Well, I guess sometimes I do that anyway... but still. 

I'm rambling I guess.  It's been one of those periods of time where I realize how very lucky I am to have the network of friends that I do.  

We spent a lot of time with family over the holidays as well - and of course those too were special times. We have an amazing family that has grown exponentially and gives new meaning to the term "extended family."  

But those friends that become family, they're just a special breed and I'm so glad to have them. 

So now, of course, it is the NEW YEAR. Twenty-freakin-fifteen. I'm sorry, what?!

 I don't know that I have resolutions per se... but definitely some things rolling around in my head that I'd like to accomplish. One of which (while minor), is to keep up the blogging. 

Pretty sure I say that every year.. we'll see if this big bad year of FORTY is the year I get it together.  

Stay tuned for those photos and captions.. 

Happy New Year!

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