our crazy little world. read on if you dare. i promise you'll giggle.

We Three

We Three

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What If...

Yes, I bought Powerball tickets.

No, I don’t actually think we’ll win.

But hey, why not just let one’s thoughts wander into “what if...”

I think the total (pre-tax) is around 1.5 billion. BILLION. I can’t even wrap my head around that. Not a clue what the post-tax payout is, but I’m fairly certain I would not be able to wrap my head around THAT either.

So if we won...the things we’d do... well, the things I’d strongly suggest to Bill that we’d do…

Would we quit our jobs? Um. Yes. We love where we work and what we do, but if we didn’t HAVE to work…

Would we travel? Yes.

Would we volunteer and/or put our new-found freedom to as much good as possible? Yes.

Would we give away as much as possible? Yes, of course. Who seriously needs that kind of money!?


  • We’d make sure our families are financially secure. No more mortgages, no more debt, cars paid off… you get the picture. 
    • FTR, the term “family” does not apply to my mom’s 3rd cousin’s nephew’s cousin or any such attempt at claiming lineage) 
  • Make sure the kids have education funds in place
    • FTR, “kids” is applicable to those under the age of 18 that are not those belonging to my mom’s 3rd cousin’s nephews cousin)
    • Said kids would be required to maintain a certain GPA in order to keep receiving funds!
Fun Stuff…

  • We’d buy a house at the beach, to which our friends and family could go anytime they wanted, free of charge... and at that, probably a Gulf Coast beach so that our friends could actually GET there
  • We’d buy an apartment in NYC, just because I love that place
  • We’d build something on the Bryant Land, just because Bill loves that place, and Eileen wants a “Field House”
  • Perhaps a house in Nashville, because Tim & Kenny
  • Perhaps a place in Paris, because Eileen is also convinced she’ll live there as soon as humanly possible (note: she has never been there, nor have I)
  • We’d buy lifetime 50yard line tickets at Neyland & a G10 parking pass
  • We’d buy lifetime home plate tickets at Fenway
  • I suppose we’d buy lifetime tickets at Yankee Stadium, but they’d have to be nosebleed section
  • We’d rescue as many Golden Retrievers as allowed!!!

Paying it Forward…

  • To St. Ann-Bartlett school
    • because I spent 8 years there, and because some of the best friends in my life came from that place
    • scholarships in the names of Foxy Roxy, Coach D and Mrs. Peterson (they know who they are) because of the roles those women/teachers played in my life (and still do)
    • scholarships in the names of Susan M, Josh A, Aggie B and Becky B, all of whom were fellow Colts, and all of whom left this Earth far too soon
  • To Immaculate Conception High School
    • because more of the best friends in my life came from that place
    • scholarships in the names of Lori & Hollie, also on my list of amazing teachers/women in my life
  • To Alpha Chi Omega Delta Pi chapter at University Of Tennessee, because of course, #EASY. 
    • Scholarships for women who would like to be part of this amazing organization, but may need assistance with dues & housing 
  • And of course to any schools and organizations Bill chooses... but I suppose I should let him pick those
  • To Morningstar, because without that amazing place, I’m pretty sure Eileen would still be drooling and not be able to speak
  • To SJNCS, because it is, and I imagine will continue to be, for Eileen what St. Ann-Bartlett was for me
  • Girls on the Run, because of my love for running, and my even bigger love of seeing young girls fall in love with it too
Just Because…
  • A year or two’s worth of OTF Memberships for my fellow 5am-ers because #reallifewithleah
  • As much ActiveWear as is decent for a person to own, just because #DaveKerschbaum
  • An old-school Jeep Wrangler or Bronco II, because I am a child of the 80s and early 90s

Is there more I would add? No doubt. 
Would that kind of money change a person? Probably. 

Did I win? Well, regardless of money in the bank.. I think a quick review of this list confirms that yep, I won. 

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