Two weeks... actually MORE than two weeks... that Eileen has had off of school and that I took off from work.
And now as we move at mach speed to the end of that lovely break .. this is the first time in all of that time that I've actually sat down to just 'be.' (*New Years Day hangovers do NOT count).
Not to say it hasn't been a jam-packed full two weeks of fun- because we have had one of the funnest holiday seasons yet.
In less than one month we've managed to fit in a trip to Memphis (for the run that wasn't), Edie's birthday, Christmas parties and programs at school..
Christmas at Dollywood, Christmas at the Farm, at our house, at the Loebners, at Nanas..
a trip to Florida for a wedding, New Years night out, and then today a fun play date with the kids (and moms) from school. Oh. and a smidge of snow.
And now we're in 2014. HOW?
Maybe because today has been one of the (relatively) slowest days of the Christmas Break. Maybe because it is to be expected at the start of a new year. Maybe it is because the fun and crazy of the holidays is over and going back to 'real' life is just around the corner...
It is just mind boggling how time goes by so fast. After the trip to the trampoline park this morning, three other moms and I took a gaggle of girls (and one very patient four year old little boy) to lunch. They played and ate and chatted and whined and argued and did it all again. Several years ago I could never have pictured that scene, never-mind imagined that I would be so incredibly happy and content to just be there and watch the kids interact and me chatting my head off with the moms.
It is 2014, we have a seven year old who has already finished half of first grade. My next birthday is just around the corner. It is that time for making resolutions. I've seen several posts or ideas along the lines of putting down the phone/tablet, of saying 'no,' and of just basically being present.
I have intentions of running two full marathons and a half-marathon in a 12month period (among other things), of reading more and drinking less (refer back to races planned). I also hope I can manage to be successful with the less phone/tablet time and more reading and real people time. (and as slow as I run, and with all that training.. hell, who has time for phones and tablets!)
2013 was a fantastic year. Four weddings. A trip to Boston. A game at Fenway. A trip to Destin. Trips to Memphis. Nana & Grampie moved here. A High School reunion. Spending time with friends and family (some of those friends I have known for over THIRTY years - that is obscene!). A happy kiddo with great friends and great teachers. A giant family about to grow even more with our new nephew on the way.
Not to mention a pretty kick-ass husband. And his minion. --->
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