Must take loads of pictures this weekend. First of all it seems as if it has been forever since we've had new pictures. And second of all, we have loads to do.
Eileen has a race. I have a race.
And well, what more does a family need on a weekend?
In the mean time.
Bill and I leave work. Pick up Mini. She's bouncing off the walls. We head to Target. "COOKIE" says Mini. Manage to not spend hours in the store -but do manage to get some new running shoes for Mini. Last weekend I'd bought her a running skirt and tank, which will of course match mine. When I went with her to the library field trip on Tuesday, she promptly informed me that her current 'running shoes' no longer fit.
This is not shocking. From the girl who grew three inches in roughly three months.
Target has three options.
*First- all white with some silver accents. They kind of almost sort of look like Jazz Dance shoes.Mommy is NOT liking them.
*Second - some pink and white more traditional running shoes. Even have pink soles, somewhat resembling some Nikes.
*Third - some awesome crazy blue and green numbers. Like uber cool pumas.
Since we are not yet at the stage of needing actual arch support and or of having pronation concerns, I of course want option 3. And somehow I manage to convince her THOSE are the shoes in which she should run her first race.
K. Fast forward to arriving at home. Well. Barely. I am not sure the car had come to a complete stop before she made her way over to Ryan's. They played while Bill and I cleaned up and made dinner. A really good pasta/spinach/spicy italian sausage deal that is sinfully good.
After dinner we relieve Ryan's mommy and take the kiddos & Gracie on a walk. Ryan on bike. Eileen running. She ran the whole time, which was about 30minutes.
Me: Eileen. do NOT run fast down that hill!
Ryan: Yeah. If you do your face will be TOAST!
Eileen: but i HAVE to train for my race.
but, she did slow down when it was time to go downhill.
On our third lap, Ryan had abandoned his bike and opted to run along with Eileen. Approaching the downhill, I remind them not to run too fast. Ryan proceeds to do it anyway.
Eileen: Ryan! You told me not to run fast bc my face would be toast. Now YOUR face will be toast. And we cant have that if we're going to MARRY!
d y i n g. she was dead serious. hair flying behind her, running in her skirt and pink shoes. yelling at her apparent future husband.
and then, she got to the bottom of the hill. caught up with Ryan. and they started uphill. side by side, for a moment.
and then. she SCORCHED him.
she took OFF. he ate her dust.
I grinned ear to ear. Look at my girl go. Look at my girl run. She loves it.
tomorrow me and her and bill will run the Kids Run. a mile.
we'll finish in Neyland.
she'll get a medal.
She wants to take MY medal to school on Tuesday for show and tell. The medal I'll get on Sunday after I finish my half.
She can take mine if she wants. If all goes well on Sunday, I'll have in my collection: four NYC full marathon medals, six Knoxville half marathon medals, and one each for Nashville, Memphis and Cincinnati half marathons.
But what she doesn't know, what someday I hope she realizes, is that the medal she'll get tomorrow, the one for her very first race of one mile, will be the best medal in the whole dang collection.
I can't wait.
our crazy little world. read on if you dare. i promise you'll giggle.
We Three

Friday, March 30, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
I literally have a LIST of things I keep wanting to blog about - but it's been one of those week's where I can't find a spare second. And/or by the time I sit down at night I just zone out.
This story, however, is so freakin funny I must share...
This morning, Eileen wasn't feeling so hot. After some hemming and hawing -
*is she faking it?
*do we send her to school?
*lets bribe her about missing the Leprechaun Party and see if THEN she feels better?
We finally realized that she was indeed not feeling so hot, and would stay home from school. As we'd signed up to provide the Fruit Tray for the school party- we did still need to get that to school. So Bill volunteered to drop it off while I was with Eileen. Josh & Sarah were swinging by to get her and watch her for the day. "Cool, thanks" said I, to Bill. "The fruit is in the fridge, in the Target bag."
Fast forward about an hour later. Eileen had just left, me finishing up getting ready for work. I put Eileen's milk in the fridge. Start to close fridge. Wait, what? I stand there, head cocked to the right, looking at The Target Bag. Wondering why the fruit is still in the fridge.
And then I realize the Kroger bag is missing.
And I crack up. I mean alone in the house HEEHAWING. Gracie didn't know what to think.
You see friends, Bill had taken an entire CHICKEN to school!!!!!!!!
I was dying. This was the text he got from me:
DUDE! you took the CHICKEN to school!
Can you imagine getting that txt?
We'd had a rotisserie chicken - it was still in the Kroger bag in case it leaked or whatever- I was going to make Chx Enchiladas earlier this week and never got to it - so it was sitting on the top shelf. Bill just grabbed it and headed out.
He'd even run into Miss M in the hall at school and just handed over the bag. Yes, the chicken. After my text, and once he'd stopped cracking up- we could not IMAGINE what Miss M and Miss R were thinking when they opened that bag.
Can you imagine? A room full of five year-olds having their afternoon party..cookies and sweets and some raw veggies and supposedly some fruit.. and there in the middle of the goodie table sits the Glorious Chicken.
In the end, the fruit made it to school. Needless to say, Miss M & Miss R got a big kick out of it. As did I, and all the people I keep telling the story .. because it is just so random and silly.
on that note- have a great weekend!
enjoy a Guinness!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
out of sorts.
I know we all moan and groan now and again.. complaining to complain, or to vent, or because sometimes - at that time - what may seem so minuscule to others is really an issue or weighing on us. It's all relative, right?
And then something happens. And we shut up. And we realize just how damn good our lives are. And we beat ourselves up for the b*tching in between the praying. And for a little while at least, we keep our priorities straight and are painfully aware of our good fortune.
In the past month, two of those 'somethings' have happened to people I know.
The first was to a colleague. He is a couple of years older than me. He was working out of town on one of our bigger projects. And on a Friday night while out of town, got a call to come home. His sister had been in an accident. He got home, and soon after, she passed. His sibling, a year younger than me, leaving behind three children. Just like that.
And then last week- friends in Memphis. Their house caught fire in the middle of the night. They're about my age also. The mommy and the toddler son got out. The Daddy and the pre-K son were rescued by firefighters. The pre-K son is still in the hospital now, but awake and rapidly improving, and all signs point to positive for a full recovery. The Daddy, there is still no answer. His condition is much the same since last Wednesday, when it all started. He is still in ICU. I get a little ill when I think about it. I get tears in my eyes and I have to hurry up and push it out of my head.
Nice for me, right? I *get* to push it out of my head. Not the Mommy. Not her. She has to somehow find the strength to be there for toddler son, who is too young to know what is happening- only that he can't go home and where's daddy? To be there for the pre-K son who IS old enough to understand more than any of us want to admit. And to be there for her husband, and she doesn't know if HE knows she is there. And she can't go home either. And I get sick to my stomach all over again. Because I honestly am not sure I could do what she's doing. I really don't know.
So from these things, I am trying very hard to learn. And to act. And, I am also trying to find something positive- and have managed to do so.
TO learn & act:
*not to take anything for granted
*to live every day and enjoy it
*to hug my little girl and Bill and everyone else I love
*to pray; regardless of where I stand with the church right now and what those struggles are- I can still pray. God will still listen.
*to update our wills. living and not. I have no money to distribute. I do have my little girl's welfare to ensure, and a few precious tangible items- family jewelry mainly.
*to double check our smoke detectors, and get a fire ladder for eileen's room
TO find something positive:
*The movement of friends - within just hours of the fire- was overwhelming. In part, no doubt- due to social media. It was used to spread the word of what had happened and what immediate needs were. it was used to spread the word of a website and fund that were set up within HOURS of what had happened. It was used to speak to those of us far away, who can only sit, watch and ache from afar.. It was used to ask us to donate any money or gift cards we could- as those would be used to help stock immediate needs for the family. I don't think I have ever put something in the mail so fast.
And the people, the people behind all of this? Our friends from grade school and high school. Girls - women I guess - all around my age. All mommies themselves with young children. All working and married and trying to make it all blend together. And without a moment's hesitation all of that went to the wayside as they joined together and made things happen.
That part was inspiring. I'm not sure that's the right word? Maybe comforting. These are people we've known since we were about Eileen's age. And they're the people still there. These are the friends who never go away. Who you may not see for months or years -but when you do, it is as if no time has passed. Or- Heaven forbid - you need them- there are no questions asked and no hesitation- those friends appear.
Certainly not to say that friends we make later in life don't also step up- but I guess there's just something about those friends who we've known longer than we can remember.
So I'm a little out of sorts I guess. After Aggie died, now coming up on two years ago, I promised myself I would always have her in the back of my head. Have her struggle and her spirit present, to remind me of what I do have and of what she was robbed. And there are certainly times I have failed at honoring Aggie. I had a pretty long run on Saturday, my mind racing of thoughts of Aggie and our friends struggling right now in Memphis. And I constantly question WHY, why do these things have to happen? And even as I am questioning, I know the answer. I know they happen because we are supposed to learn from them. We are supposed to live our days and not waste them. We are supposed to be basically good people. And, we are supposed to remember the Aggie's and The Mommy & Daddy in Memphis.
So, with that, I continue to pray for the family in Memphis. And for those working so hard to help them. And for me, too. That I remember how others struggle so the rest of us - hopefully- turn that into lessons learned, and practiced daily.
And then something happens. And we shut up. And we realize just how damn good our lives are. And we beat ourselves up for the b*tching in between the praying. And for a little while at least, we keep our priorities straight and are painfully aware of our good fortune.
In the past month, two of those 'somethings' have happened to people I know.
The first was to a colleague. He is a couple of years older than me. He was working out of town on one of our bigger projects. And on a Friday night while out of town, got a call to come home. His sister had been in an accident. He got home, and soon after, she passed. His sibling, a year younger than me, leaving behind three children. Just like that.
And then last week- friends in Memphis. Their house caught fire in the middle of the night. They're about my age also. The mommy and the toddler son got out. The Daddy and the pre-K son were rescued by firefighters. The pre-K son is still in the hospital now, but awake and rapidly improving, and all signs point to positive for a full recovery. The Daddy, there is still no answer. His condition is much the same since last Wednesday, when it all started. He is still in ICU. I get a little ill when I think about it. I get tears in my eyes and I have to hurry up and push it out of my head.
Nice for me, right? I *get* to push it out of my head. Not the Mommy. Not her. She has to somehow find the strength to be there for toddler son, who is too young to know what is happening- only that he can't go home and where's daddy? To be there for the pre-K son who IS old enough to understand more than any of us want to admit. And to be there for her husband, and she doesn't know if HE knows she is there. And she can't go home either. And I get sick to my stomach all over again. Because I honestly am not sure I could do what she's doing. I really don't know.
So from these things, I am trying very hard to learn. And to act. And, I am also trying to find something positive- and have managed to do so.
TO learn & act:
*not to take anything for granted
*to live every day and enjoy it
*to hug my little girl and Bill and everyone else I love
*to pray; regardless of where I stand with the church right now and what those struggles are- I can still pray. God will still listen.
*to update our wills. living and not. I have no money to distribute. I do have my little girl's welfare to ensure, and a few precious tangible items- family jewelry mainly.
*to double check our smoke detectors, and get a fire ladder for eileen's room
TO find something positive:
*The movement of friends - within just hours of the fire- was overwhelming. In part, no doubt- due to social media. It was used to spread the word of what had happened and what immediate needs were. it was used to spread the word of a website and fund that were set up within HOURS of what had happened. It was used to speak to those of us far away, who can only sit, watch and ache from afar.. It was used to ask us to donate any money or gift cards we could- as those would be used to help stock immediate needs for the family. I don't think I have ever put something in the mail so fast.
And the people, the people behind all of this? Our friends from grade school and high school. Girls - women I guess - all around my age. All mommies themselves with young children. All working and married and trying to make it all blend together. And without a moment's hesitation all of that went to the wayside as they joined together and made things happen.
That part was inspiring. I'm not sure that's the right word? Maybe comforting. These are people we've known since we were about Eileen's age. And they're the people still there. These are the friends who never go away. Who you may not see for months or years -but when you do, it is as if no time has passed. Or- Heaven forbid - you need them- there are no questions asked and no hesitation- those friends appear.
Certainly not to say that friends we make later in life don't also step up- but I guess there's just something about those friends who we've known longer than we can remember.
So I'm a little out of sorts I guess. After Aggie died, now coming up on two years ago, I promised myself I would always have her in the back of my head. Have her struggle and her spirit present, to remind me of what I do have and of what she was robbed. And there are certainly times I have failed at honoring Aggie. I had a pretty long run on Saturday, my mind racing of thoughts of Aggie and our friends struggling right now in Memphis. And I constantly question WHY, why do these things have to happen? And even as I am questioning, I know the answer. I know they happen because we are supposed to learn from them. We are supposed to live our days and not waste them. We are supposed to be basically good people. And, we are supposed to remember the Aggie's and The Mommy & Daddy in Memphis.
So, with that, I continue to pray for the family in Memphis. And for those working so hard to help them. And for me, too. That I remember how others struggle so the rest of us - hopefully- turn that into lessons learned, and practiced daily.
Friday, March 9, 2012
The Proposal
If you know us at all.. you'd agree there is no more perfect photo to represent our family.
And we're engaged! All three of us.
Tho, only Mommy got a ring. Or, well, a super shiny sparkly ROCK.
Was it a surprise?
Yes and no.
The "no" part: We knew we'd get married. We knew based on crunching some numbers that early March we'd be in a good spot for purchases of bling.
The "OMG surprise" part: This girl had no idea he'd gotten a ring yet.
So earlier this week we were getting Eileen ready for bed. I was in pjs, sans makeup, glasses and ponytail. Crazy gorgeous, that was me. And I was dead tired (yes, it's that point of training for me). Eileen & Bill were upstairs, she having brushed her teeth and killing time (procrastinating - she's mastered it) until I got in there for storytime.
Walking into her room,
Me, sighing & speaking at once: Lets go Eileen. In bed. It's late and you are NOT staying up (HAHAHAHA).
Bill: I told her we could play ONE more game.
Me, with serious exasperation in my tone: UGGGHHH OK. Hurry lets play the game.
Bill, ignoring my tone: K, Eileen get on the side of the bed. We're going to guess what's in my pocket.
Me, in my head- huh? what? what is this game? we have never played this. omg i am tired. wait. what. he's on his knees. huh? what IS in that pocket!?
Eileen starts randomly guessing - everything from lipstick to movies to who knows what.
He gives a hint in her ear, which she then shares with me: It means I love you.
At which point I realize what's going on. heeheehee.
She guesses some more things (some were at my suggestion.. balloon..bubbles... hair bow.. )
Of course then I'm thinking to myself: HELLO DORK. there is a RING in that pocket! Why are you dragging this out with guesses of a freakin BALLOON!?
Now on a mission, I start giving hints.
me: Sarah has one!
e: ohhh a BABY!
stunned silence.
me: no eileen. it is not a BABY. there is not a BABY in Bill's pocket!!!
me: ok, another hint. Sarah has one and it is sparkly.
eileen: OHHH! A RING!
Smart girl that kid.
So she's bouncing all around.
me: wait, Bill has to ask us something!
At which point over her going bonkers and Gracie running around with her stuffed hedgehog, somewhere in there was the "Will you marry me?" and of course, obviously, the answer was a resounding YES.
Once I stopped drooling over his most excellent taste in bling, and stopped being over the moon that it fit and i didn't have to give it back for sizing, Eileen wanted to know what ELSE was in Bill's pocket. HA!
So this was where we called our families. Eileen called Mom & John, Sissy & David, and Dad & Beanie. She told everyone "Mommy got a wedding band. " Close enough ... they knew what she meant.
It goes without saying that I wouldn't have had it any.other.way.
Pajamas and glasses or not.. Having Eileen be part of The Proposal was perfect. Just perfect.
Obnoxious to post a picture of the ring? I suppose possibly.. but then again girls are girls are girls,.. and while the stories are always fun to tell and fun to hear.. we all know all we care about is what the ring looks like?!
And now for the funnies and such of the backstory ..
I really had not a clue he'd gotten it.
Bill picked up the ring last Friday. I thought he'd gone to the mall (ok well he actually did go to the mall and got some new pants so I'd not even think twice about where he'd been). Of course, he was at the jewelry store when Round One of Nasty Storms hit. This town was under a tornado warning, with crazy rain/wind/hail/floods and just scary crap- and of all times he's ring shopping!
Bill is also quite the savvy man. He does have fantastic taste on his own and no doubt would have picked out one hell of a ring even without any guidance/hints. But just in case, he'd paid a visit to my Pinterest boards, printed out a picture, handed it to the salespeople, and said "i want this." and well, they had it. :)
Now, we're talking about a man who literally loves to give gifts. To the point that once he's bought something for someone, even if their birthday (or whatever the occasion) is 3 weeks away- he will not be able to hang on to the gift. He gives it as soon as he can. (which generally works out well for my impatient self). So on Tuesday evening, when Bill told me he'd been carrying that ring in his pocket since FRIDAY - well you could have knocked me over with a feather. I couldn't believe it!
So. Needless to say, Eileen was up WELL past her bedtime. We were blown away at the FB responses. Our offices were a constant stream of people on Wednesday. All in good fun. It's been a pretty dang good week.
I love you Bill Bryant and I can't wait to be Mrs. Erin Jamieson Bryant.
And we're engaged! All three of us.
Tho, only Mommy got a ring. Or, well, a super shiny sparkly ROCK.
Was it a surprise?
Yes and no.
The "no" part: We knew we'd get married. We knew based on crunching some numbers that early March we'd be in a good spot for purchases of bling.
The "OMG surprise" part: This girl had no idea he'd gotten a ring yet.
So earlier this week we were getting Eileen ready for bed. I was in pjs, sans makeup, glasses and ponytail. Crazy gorgeous, that was me. And I was dead tired (yes, it's that point of training for me). Eileen & Bill were upstairs, she having brushed her teeth and killing time (procrastinating - she's mastered it) until I got in there for storytime.
Walking into her room,
Me, sighing & speaking at once: Lets go Eileen. In bed. It's late and you are NOT staying up (HAHAHAHA).
Bill: I told her we could play ONE more game.
Me, with serious exasperation in my tone: UGGGHHH OK. Hurry lets play the game.
Bill, ignoring my tone: K, Eileen get on the side of the bed. We're going to guess what's in my pocket.
Me, in my head- huh? what? what is this game? we have never played this. omg i am tired. wait. what. he's on his knees. huh? what IS in that pocket!?
Eileen starts randomly guessing - everything from lipstick to movies to who knows what.
He gives a hint in her ear, which she then shares with me: It means I love you.
At which point I realize what's going on. heeheehee.
She guesses some more things (some were at my suggestion.. balloon..bubbles... hair bow.. )
Of course then I'm thinking to myself: HELLO DORK. there is a RING in that pocket! Why are you dragging this out with guesses of a freakin BALLOON!?
Now on a mission, I start giving hints.
me: Sarah has one!
e: ohhh a BABY!
stunned silence.
me: no eileen. it is not a BABY. there is not a BABY in Bill's pocket!!!
me: ok, another hint. Sarah has one and it is sparkly.
eileen: OHHH! A RING!
Smart girl that kid.
So she's bouncing all around.
me: wait, Bill has to ask us something!
At which point over her going bonkers and Gracie running around with her stuffed hedgehog, somewhere in there was the "Will you marry me?" and of course, obviously, the answer was a resounding YES.
Once I stopped drooling over his most excellent taste in bling, and stopped being over the moon that it fit and i didn't have to give it back for sizing, Eileen wanted to know what ELSE was in Bill's pocket. HA!
So this was where we called our families. Eileen called Mom & John, Sissy & David, and Dad & Beanie. She told everyone "Mommy got a wedding band. " Close enough ... they knew what she meant.
It goes without saying that I wouldn't have had it any.other.way.
Pajamas and glasses or not.. Having Eileen be part of The Proposal was perfect. Just perfect.
Obnoxious to post a picture of the ring? I suppose possibly.. but then again girls are girls are girls,.. and while the stories are always fun to tell and fun to hear.. we all know all we care about is what the ring looks like?!
And now for the funnies and such of the backstory ..
I really had not a clue he'd gotten it.
Bill picked up the ring last Friday. I thought he'd gone to the mall (ok well he actually did go to the mall and got some new pants so I'd not even think twice about where he'd been). Of course, he was at the jewelry store when Round One of Nasty Storms hit. This town was under a tornado warning, with crazy rain/wind/hail/floods and just scary crap- and of all times he's ring shopping!
Bill is also quite the savvy man. He does have fantastic taste on his own and no doubt would have picked out one hell of a ring even without any guidance/hints. But just in case, he'd paid a visit to my Pinterest boards, printed out a picture, handed it to the salespeople, and said "i want this." and well, they had it. :)
Now, we're talking about a man who literally loves to give gifts. To the point that once he's bought something for someone, even if their birthday (or whatever the occasion) is 3 weeks away- he will not be able to hang on to the gift. He gives it as soon as he can. (which generally works out well for my impatient self). So on Tuesday evening, when Bill told me he'd been carrying that ring in his pocket since FRIDAY - well you could have knocked me over with a feather. I couldn't believe it!
So. Needless to say, Eileen was up WELL past her bedtime. We were blown away at the FB responses. Our offices were a constant stream of people on Wednesday. All in good fun. It's been a pretty dang good week.
I love you Bill Bryant and I can't wait to be Mrs. Erin Jamieson Bryant.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Parenting 101
Ok, we all know I am Mother of the Year.
Like most Moms, I have my moments of weakness --
"Sure Monkey, you can go sniff glue all you want. As long as you leave me in peace with my wine..."
But in reality, I am a dang good parent. Manners, good behavior, respect, responsibility - these things are not allowed to slide. And Eileen knows it. I give 'that look' (inherited directly from my dad) and Eileen snaps to attention (it should be noted - at the age of ***, I still snap to attention when my dad calls my name... and I still answer with "Sir?"...)
So coming home Tuesday evening. Driving down our street. It was gorgeous out so all the kiddos were out playing; a sight that generally has me grinning ear to ear. So I'm going roughly 5miles an hour, Eileen being the Parade Princess and waving at her fans. I do the cursory rear view mirror check, and am stunned to see the kid from down the street riding his bike, literally front wheel touching my rear bumper. He's maybe 8 years old.
What the hell? and of course instinct was to slam on my breaks - luckily my brain kicked in before instinct- realizing if I slammed on them he'd be creamed. So I ever so slowly come to a stop in front of our house, smack in the middle of the street. I get out and as I begin my lecture, H from across the street begins HER lecture (clearly she ranks in the Good Parenting Club)... we're both telling him 'Don't ever do that again!" "That is so dangerous!" "You could get seriously hurt!"
And in my head I'm thinking: crap, if he'd been hurt the police would be knocking on MY door and I'd be facing the consequences. I don't need this from this little punk.
*sidebar : there has been one other incident with this kid from last fall so already I am NOT a fan*
He just kind of looked at us like "You're not my mommy" ....
So I park, and tell child C to come with me to his house, as we are going to talk to his parents. He comes along. (hindsight being 20/20, of course he did.. bc he apparently KNEW he would suffer no punishment from his dad).
Knock on door. Father opens door.
Me: Hi, I'm Erin. I'm Eileen's mom, I live a couple of doors down.
Him: Blank Stare
Me: I hate to feel like I am causing an issue, but I need you to know what your son just did-as it was dangerous and quite scary.
Him: Blank Stare
Me: As I was driving down the street.. (and here I relay the story).
Him: Blank Stare.
Him: Hmmm. Well. ya know, I tell him not to do things like that.
Me: Blank Stare
That's it. That's all he said. OH MY GAWD.
I just kind of stood there, then just said, 'well, ok. i really hope nothing like this happens again, as if something had happened I'd have been the one responsible - maybe it isn't very safe for your son to be out unsupervised on his's not safe for him, and not fair to others who are being responsible drivers."
Him: Blank Stare.
He said NOTHING to the kid, nothing to me, no apology or any sort of recognition that his CHILD was tailgating a car with his dirt-bike. This was where I just looked at him and walked away. Livid. At his lack of respect for ME as a fellow parent/adult, at his lack of respect for the neighborhood and other children's safety, at his lack of ANY discipline with his kid.
And if he thinks his kid or the 5year old daughter he also has will be allowed to play with Eileen - HELL NO. Eileen and B, H, R & S can play all they want. But if that kid comes around, I will promptly send him home. (not to mention he apparently just assumes other parents will keep an eye out for his kids out playing by themselves...)
Had the situation been reversed - and I was the one being told of dangerous, disrespectful, ridiculous actions by Eileen -
1) the FIRE coming out of my eyes directed towards her would have melted her bike and had her scurrying inside ASAP
2) before she could have scurried anywhere, she would have been directed to APOLOGIZE to the adult standing at our door
3) her little boot-ay would be sent straight to her room; and when Mommy Dearest had calmed down enough - there would be a stern discussion, grounding, lack of TV , etc etc.
This dad. Nothing. Before I'd made it back to our house, the kid was back out riding around. Unreal.
Like most Moms, I have my moments of weakness --
"Sure Monkey, you can go sniff glue all you want. As long as you leave me in peace with my wine..."
But in reality, I am a dang good parent. Manners, good behavior, respect, responsibility - these things are not allowed to slide. And Eileen knows it. I give 'that look' (inherited directly from my dad) and Eileen snaps to attention (it should be noted - at the age of ***, I still snap to attention when my dad calls my name... and I still answer with "Sir?"...)
So coming home Tuesday evening. Driving down our street. It was gorgeous out so all the kiddos were out playing; a sight that generally has me grinning ear to ear. So I'm going roughly 5miles an hour, Eileen being the Parade Princess and waving at her fans. I do the cursory rear view mirror check, and am stunned to see the kid from down the street riding his bike, literally front wheel touching my rear bumper. He's maybe 8 years old.
What the hell? and of course instinct was to slam on my breaks - luckily my brain kicked in before instinct- realizing if I slammed on them he'd be creamed. So I ever so slowly come to a stop in front of our house, smack in the middle of the street. I get out and as I begin my lecture, H from across the street begins HER lecture (clearly she ranks in the Good Parenting Club)... we're both telling him 'Don't ever do that again!" "That is so dangerous!" "You could get seriously hurt!"
And in my head I'm thinking: crap, if he'd been hurt the police would be knocking on MY door and I'd be facing the consequences. I don't need this from this little punk.
*sidebar : there has been one other incident with this kid from last fall so already I am NOT a fan*
He just kind of looked at us like "You're not my mommy" ....
So I park, and tell child C to come with me to his house, as we are going to talk to his parents. He comes along. (hindsight being 20/20, of course he did.. bc he apparently KNEW he would suffer no punishment from his dad).
Knock on door. Father opens door.
Me: Hi, I'm Erin. I'm Eileen's mom, I live a couple of doors down.
Him: Blank Stare
Me: I hate to feel like I am causing an issue, but I need you to know what your son just did-as it was dangerous and quite scary.
Him: Blank Stare
Me: As I was driving down the street.. (and here I relay the story).
Him: Blank Stare.
Him: Hmmm. Well. ya know, I tell him not to do things like that.
Me: Blank Stare
That's it. That's all he said. OH MY GAWD.
I just kind of stood there, then just said, 'well, ok. i really hope nothing like this happens again, as if something had happened I'd have been the one responsible - maybe it isn't very safe for your son to be out unsupervised on his's not safe for him, and not fair to others who are being responsible drivers."
Him: Blank Stare.
He said NOTHING to the kid, nothing to me, no apology or any sort of recognition that his CHILD was tailgating a car with his dirt-bike. This was where I just looked at him and walked away. Livid. At his lack of respect for ME as a fellow parent/adult, at his lack of respect for the neighborhood and other children's safety, at his lack of ANY discipline with his kid.
And if he thinks his kid or the 5year old daughter he also has will be allowed to play with Eileen - HELL NO. Eileen and B, H, R & S can play all they want. But if that kid comes around, I will promptly send him home. (not to mention he apparently just assumes other parents will keep an eye out for his kids out playing by themselves...)
Had the situation been reversed - and I was the one being told of dangerous, disrespectful, ridiculous actions by Eileen -
1) the FIRE coming out of my eyes directed towards her would have melted her bike and had her scurrying inside ASAP
2) before she could have scurried anywhere, she would have been directed to APOLOGIZE to the adult standing at our door
3) her little boot-ay would be sent straight to her room; and when Mommy Dearest had calmed down enough - there would be a stern discussion, grounding, lack of TV , etc etc.
This dad. Nothing. Before I'd made it back to our house, the kid was back out riding around. Unreal.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
She's so serious about her cheer! Oh but that cartwheel. Can we actually call that a cartwheel? For more video fun check out the video scroll at the bottom of this blog.. interesting theories she and her friend Ashlyn have drummed up.
So 'real school' is becoming more and more apparent.. took Eileen to the dentist earlier this week. (Seriously, we have like the coolest kid e v e r. She just sat there and let the hygienist do her thing. Love it). So when it came time to schedule her next check up - in SEPTEMBER - it occurred to me that OMG. She'll be in actual school. I can't just let her go in late like now. Well, I mean I guess I can, but its not quite the same. So, we have a 3:30 appt. Wow.
Edie came over for a sleepover last weekend. OMG she's so super sweet. And OMG I have to admit I was a tad nervous about keeping her. I mean, HELLO. It has been five years since I have taken care of an infant. What if I couldn't settle her down? Or what if I didn't remember how to make a bottle? Or what if I didn't remember how to change a diaper (ok - that's an exaggeration; pretty sure one NEVER forgets that skill).
Luckily cool mom Sarah had the bottles pretty much ready, and there's a very cool new gadget called a bottle warmer (again sarcasm, those were probably around when Eileen was born), and Miss Edie is a pretty laid back baby, and Big Sis Eileen was chalk full of tips, and Bill was quite the suave Baby Soother. And, yes, it all came back just like riding a bike.
I imagine our Saturday night with Edie was similar to what Grandparents or Aunts/Uncles get to do. We got to have a blast with her, I'm quite certain I was more laid back than I ever was with Eileen - easy to do when it's not your kid - and we just got to have fun.
And for all of you out there reading thinking 'ohhhhh erin's gonna want another bebe' .. bwahahaha. no.
In other news, it's March. Wait. What? excuse me? MARCH people. We are four weeks away from the end of Q1 2012. How in the world is that possible? It's also that lovely time of year where the morning calls for Eskimo like apparel, and by the afternoon it's sundress weather. Also that time of year when tv shows get interrupted by updates of horrifying weather and I shake like a leaf. And I have a feeling that my day lilies and possibly tulips will sprout with leaves only, no flowers. ARGH. I seriously need a massive yard makeover. New beds and new grass and someone to come along and rescue our back yard. Anyone? Anyone?
K. Clearly I'm rambling. I know you're all used to that.
Have a good one!
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