Parents sit up on a balcony thing where we watch.n the parent area. Oh my. The stories. The people watching. There are the moms who gossip the whole time, about what I don't know. There are dads who look like deer in headlights. Bless them, they're generally the ones who have a second or third kid with them, without fail falling off the bleachers onto the concrete. There's the one lady, I guess a grandma, who might have spent 24hours a day in the sun on the equator for 15 years straight. Shes also got a blinged out iPhone case. She fascinates me.
Then there are the ones like us, who watch their kids and also pass the time reading or playing on various digital toys. It's an hour a week that I dread and also can't wait for. Am hour a week that is loud and chaotic. An hour a week where I'm somewhat held captive and I can't try to do 12 things at once. It's like an hour of forced relaxing, albeit loud relaxing. It's an hour where I get to watch Eileen runaround and interact with her friends. The girl is going to need a serious cheer tutor should she pursue the sport, but watching her run at insane speed makes me super excited for the day she can go on a jog with me.
We got our appointment for her kindergarten evaluation. It will be in a couple of weeks and she.cant.wait. I told her about it and she said "oh ooh!! Can I tell them all the math I know?!". She's quite ready to go to the Big K. May her enthusiasm for early mornings and homework stay so strong (riiiiiight).
Saturday she and bill had gone to Target. They detoured to the toy section. Where Bill was apparently fascinated by the latest in light sabers.
Bill: look at this light saber! Have you ever seen anything like it!?
Eileen: um. Have I ever seen an ADULT playing with a light saber!?
HAHAHA! I died when he told me that. In other news.
We are the proud owners of a new dishwasher. Bonus: those of you living on the Left Coast can no longer HEAR our dishwasher. Welcome to 2012. We also now have ice-maker that makes cubes- fully frozen individual cubes! The fridge is three years old and ice maker always been screwy. Usually producing large chunks of ice impossible to use. And in all honesty, it simply was NOT at the top of my list of things with which to deal.
So when purchasing dishwasher, we got the 5year warranty. Which prompted Bill to inquire if I'd purchased it for the fridge. Hell, like I know this!? Our super friendly salesman offered to check.. And what do ya know? Yep. I bought it. So one call, two days and a service visit later.... We have cubes! And you seriously wouldn't believe how goofily giddy we've been over this development.
Well folks. I've successfully passed most of the hour. I'm gonna watch Eileen do her version of cartwheels. Carry on.